Programme details

Skills Frameworks for inspiring career journeys

Wednesday 3:35pm - 4:05pm, (CITRENZ 2 Room)



Samuel Mann

Samuel Mann is a New Zealand computer scientist, with interests in computer science education and sustainability. He is a full Professor at Otago Polytechnic. He has published widely on sustainable practice, both in computing and more generally to apply to any discipline. Mann was educated at the University of Otago where he studied botany and geography, before completing a PhD in Information Science.

Victoria MacLennan

CEO, IT Professionals NZ

Victoria (Vic) believes that everyone in Aotearoa deserves the right to reach their potential and leverages her long history in the digital technology industry to try and make this happen.
As the CEO of IT Professionals Te Pou Hangarau Ngaio her focus is on changing the face of our industry, supporting organisations to embrace diversity, introduce manaakitanga into their culture while providing support for lifting the capability of the sector.
Vic is also involved in a range of Digital Equity initiatives, and is passionate about the role digital can play in lifting the productivity and prosperity of the nation. She also owns and invests in a range of business, holds governance and advisory roles and is an avid supporter of startups.