Programme details

Comparison of Current Software Development Methodologies across China and New Zealand

Tuesday 2:35pm - 3:10pm, (CITRENZ venue 1)

There are many different approaches and methodologies used around the world for developing new information systems and software. These approaches are also used for developing new databases, and implementing enterprise solutions based around large databases. Professionals working on projects from different countries need to be familiar, not only about different methodologies, but also the different ways these are using in other countries. According to previous studies, New Zealand developers and companies often tend to adapt or mix their methodologies creatively depending on the project context. Fewer articles are published in English about the practices by developers and companies in China, raising the possibility that there may be interesting new ideas in recent years. Therefore, both countries and cultures need to learn more from each other. This new proposal discusses the future research methodology, including how to arrange meetings and interviews with systems developers and experts from both cultures. Certain themes are also highlighted: what experts and practitioners think about the popular methods, what lessons they have learned with previous systems and software, what kind of database or big data tools they use, and what kind of development and documentation tools they have used. The findings from the literature and other initial lessons will be useful and shared with our students so that they will become more aware and prepared to work successfully as analysts and developers in international settings in the future.


Emre Erturk

Emre Erturk joined EIT in 2011. He earned his PhD from the University of Oklahoma in 2007. Emre has experience teaching in distance learning as well as face-to-face. He also has a background in institutional research. Emre won the CEO’s Research Award in 2017. Recently, he has held a number of leadership roles in community organizations, the Royal Society of New Zealand, and CITRENZ (Computing and Information Technology Research and Education New Zealand).